Philótimo (Φιλότιμο)

Dimitri Antonopoulos
Purpose Driven Leadership
3 min readJul 3, 2020


Caryatides, Acropolis Museum (Athens Dec 2019)

We are travelling through a time in our lives when everyone is asking big questions. Questions such as ‘what’s next?’ and ‘what should we do?’.

Questions such as ‘who am I?’ and ‘what is my work?’

A time when we are holding our leadership accountable more than ever — as we realise that humility, compassion and empathy are sorely needed and sorely missed — in our work, our communities and in the simple act of trying to keep the economy afloat at a time when some industries are on their knees, whilst others thrive.

As we see good leaders shine bright, whilst others shine for nothing more than themselves. Our streams speaking more and more clichés — video-interview-after-video-interview — and still leaving us searching for something profound. Something to move the needle — to move us forward into a new way — a better way and a higher level of potential.

A word that has played in the background my life, in the aeons of my own ancient culture and in the lives of every Greek person I’ve come to know, is Philótimo (Φιλότιμο).

A word that cannot be translated yet whose meaning transcends borders and whose definition remains relevant today, as it was thousands of years ago. A word with meaning, which every leader must know intimately.



Dimitri Antonopoulos
Purpose Driven Leadership

Owner of Strategy & Innovation Consultancy, Tank. Fearless Conversations Podcast. MarchFirst Leadership Academy.