Don Pablo
18 min readMay 16, 2022


The most efficient approach is to choose the operating system that takes the least amount of RAM while providing the best performance. A brand-new version of the Web3 operating system was just made available to the general public and will be offered to customers soon.

The Operating System has been extensively upgraded and improved. You may sign up for updates if you want to be notified when the next version of the software is released. https://mean.ơ

“Without the confidence factor, many believe a paper money system is liable to collapse eventually.” — Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Gold, p. 10
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The first operating system in the world to integrate decentralization, artificial intelligence, and the Mean.js stack. Mean OS is the only operating system that may be used anonymously since it is hosted on a P2P network and uses a set of non-standard in-browser delivery mechanisms.

Despite its compatibility with all of the most popular web browsers, Mean OS was intended to support Brave in addition to Tor. Mean Operating System is pleased to announce compatibility for both TOR and BRAVE; stay unconstrained!

The dispersion or distribution of functions and powers is decentralization of powers.

Any kind of decentralization is theoretically capable of resolving the problems generated by centralized systems. The most-discussed topic of decentralization in government has been viewed as a solution to problems such as economic decline, the inability of the government to fund services and their general decline in the performance of overloaded services, the demands of minorities for a greater say in local governance, the general weakening of the legitimacy of the public sector, and global and international pressure on countries with inefficient, undemocratic governments.

Governmental decentralization has gotten the greatest attention since it is seen as a solution. Decentralization has been presented as a possible solution to problems such as decreased economic development in the sphere of governance.

A blockchain is a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network.

In many of the various studies that have been conducted on decentralization, the four goals or objectives that are outlined below are considered pertinent. These aims and goals are listed in alphabetical order. When referring to services established on blockchain technology, the term “decentralized hosting” is often used. This is due to the fact that blockchain-based hosting is not managed by a single firm or entity that is distinct from the blockchain and functions as its manager.

This specific platform focuses mostly on the hosting of data between platform users, as opposed to hosting data between users and a single server. An operating system is a collection of software intended to function on a network of computer nodes that are autonomous, capable of interacting with one another, and physically distinct from one another. The term for this collection of software is the operating system. They are responsible for ensuring that the activities being carried out concurrently by a large number of CPUs are successfully completed.

A distributed system is a computing environment in which various components are spread across multiple computers on a network.

While the whole operating system is stored on the storage device attached to each node, each component of the global aggregate operating system is kept in a separate place. Each of these subgroups is the outcome of a joint effort by two separate service providers operating in parallel. The most prevalent kind of kernel is a microkernel since it exerts direct control over a node’s hardware. Additionally referred to as the universal minimal kernel. Embedded systems often use kernels of this kind.

This variety will account for a substantial proportion of the overall number of kernels produced. The subnode, sometimes known as the “second half” of the node, is the result of a large number of system management components coming together to form a coherent entity. These components of the system’s administration are responsible for coordinating the individual and communal activities of the node. These components are designed to aid user applications while concealing the functionality of the underlying microkernel.

Based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) topology, blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT).

According to the majority of experts in this industry, HostCoin was the very first decentralized hosting service to be developed using blockchain technology. It attempts to achieve this purpose via the usage of blockchain-powered hosting. The microkernel and a set of management components work together to effectively carry out their respective roles inside the system, which are interdependent.

They contribute to the system’s overarching objective, which is to combine a range of processing techniques and resources into a reliable and effective single system. This is achieved with the assistance of the system. They have contributed in some way to the attainment of this overall goal, which was the driving force for the creation of the system in the first place: to achieve this overarching goal.

Decentralization, Transparency, and Immutability are the three pillars of blockchain technology.

The illusion generated for consumers in which the whole system seems to be a single processing unit is referred to as “transparency.” This illusion, also known as a “one system image,” is referred to as “transparency.” This apparent absence of opaqueness is denoted by the word “transparency.” This illusion is a direct outcome of the system’s capacity to convince people that the global system consists of a single processing unit. This ability is what allows the system to provide the illusion we are experiencing.

When many nodes from a smaller network are combined to form a bigger network, the outcome is the appearance of a continuous link. Blockchain-based hosting is a technique of data storage that makes it exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to hack, alter, or cheat the system. The application of blockchain technology as a method of data storage was performed in relation to hosting services.

Transactions and data can be added to a blockchain, but past data cannot be erased.

It is a digital log of transactions that have been copied and dispersed over the whole blockchain, which is a network of computers. This document is kept in the chronological order in which the events mentioned below occurred. The ledgers are updated in real-time, and the record of each new blockchain transaction is added to each participant’s ledger as soon as the transaction is finished. This occurs simultaneously with the transaction’s completion of processing. Any kind of decentralization is theoretically capable of resolving the problems generated by centralized systems.

The most-discussed topic of decentralization in government has been viewed as a solution to problems such as economic decline, the inability of the government to fund services and their general decline in the performance of overloaded services, the demands of minorities for a greater say in local governance, the general weakening of the legitimacy of the public sector, and global and international pressure on countries with inefficient, undemocratic governments. Governmental decentralization has gotten the greatest attention since it is seen as a solution. Decentralization has been presented as a possible solution to problems such as decreased economic development in the sphere of governance. In many of the various studies that have been conducted on decentralization, the four goals or objectives that are outlined below are considered pertinent. These aims and goals are listed in alphabetical order.

MeanOS has several GUI options that are adapted from the most popular commercially available operating system in the market, GUI stands for a Graphical User Interface and if the visual component of the desktop, the icons, menus, and a mouse (to manage system interaction by clicking on icons or dragging down menus). The Options include the following:

  • [x]Google Fuchsia is an open-source capability-based operating system that is currently undergoing active development by Google. Fuchsia is often referred to by the term Google Fuchsia. It was in August of 2016 that it first came to the attention of the general public. At that time, the project had been discovered on a self-hosted version of git without any official announcement.
  • The Linux operating system based on Debian serves as the foundation for the Linux distribution known as Kali Linux. Its primary purpose is to provide a platform for digital forensics and penetration testing. This is precisely why it was designed. Offensive Security is responsible for both the facility’s maintenance and the provision of the necessary funds to run it.
  • macOS is an exclusive line of graphical operating systems that Apple Inc. has developed and sold since 2001. Sometimes, macOS is referred to as macOS, which is a shortened version of the term. Apple’s Macintosh computers use it as their principal operating system. The desktop operating system (OS) has the second-largest market share within the desktop, laptop, and home computer markets, as well as by online use. This market share is only exceeded by Microsoft Windows’ market share.
  • The most current major version of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system is Windows 11. It is a free upgrade for any Windows 10 devices that meet the Windows 11 system requirements.

A — ServiceWorker — After the user has visited one of the participating websites for the first time, this approach continues to make the censorship circumvention library available to them. After the user has signed onto one of the websites, this occurs.

Service workers are accountable for operating as proxy servers for the network, the browser, and any assigned web applications (when available). They are designed to, among other things, make it simpler to construct effective offline experiences, intercept network requests and take action depending on whether the network is accessible in response to those requests, and update server-hosted content. They are also designed to facilitate the development of offline experiences that are successful. In addition, they will enable access to the application programming interfaces (APIs) for push alerts and background sync for developers.

After the ServiceWorker has been downloaded and activated, it will begin handling all ‘fetch()’ events by initiating a standard HTTPS request to the originating website. After the ServiceWorker has been made active, this will occur. After the ServiceWorker has been made accessible to the client, this happens. If it does not function (for whatever reason; it might be a timeout or an error reading ‘4xx’ or ‘5xx’), the plugins will attempt to get the content using any accessible way. If it fails, the plugins will attempt to get the content using any access mechanism.

A service worker is an event-driven worker whose origin and path have been recorded. Service workers are often implemented in distributed systems. It takes the form of a JavaScript file that is capable of controlling the web page or site with which it is associated, intercepting and modifying navigation and resource requests, and caching resources in a very granular manner to provide you with complete control over how your application behaves under specific conditions. This allows you to configure how your application reacts to certain circumstances (the most obvious one being when the network is not available).

A service worker does not have access to the Document Object Model since it is run in a worker context (DOM). In addition, a service worker’s execution is non-blocking because it operates on a separate thread from the primary JavaScript code that runs your application. APIs like synchronous XHR and localStorage cannot be used inside a service worker since it is supposed to be completely asynchronous. This is a product of technological architecture.

Due to the possibility of security vulnerabilities, service workers may only operate via HTTPS. Modified network requests that are widely vulnerable to man in the middle attacks are a terrible idea and must be avoided at all costs. Firefox hides Service Worker APIs whenever the user switches to private browsing mode. Users cannot use these APIs because they are unavailable.

As a result of a partnership with Protocol Labs, Neocities has become the first big website to use IPFS in production. Currently, any IPFS node on the planet can view, archive, and host all Neocities websites. If another IPFS node agrees to serve a site that was previously hosted by Neocities, then that version of the site will remain accessible even if Neocities ceases providing it or closes down. This is because another IPFS node, not Neocities, will host the website. The greater the number of IPFS nodes seeding Neocities sites, the greater the number of accessible Neocities sites (and redundant). And the less the sites rely on us as their major source of survival, the better off they will be.

Brewster Kahle, the Digital Librarian of the Internet Archive, made a presentation at the Ford Foundation NetGain conference. This event, which was organized by five of the nation’s most famous foundations, served as a provocation to consider expansively the prospects given by our digital future. (The lengthier and more exhaustive version)

equality established the initiative, also known as CENO, to enable users to see websites under the most restricted network conditions. You can evade network filtering limitations by using Internet Explorer, which enables you to access the Internet without limits. Peer-to-peer routing and distributed caching are provided by the underlying architecture, which uses the ‘darknet’ infrastructure to circumvent network limits and give your browser Web access. This enables network limitations to be circumvented.

The non-profit organization known as NetBlocks focuses on Internet governance, cyber security, and digital rights. They are engaged in activities at the crossroads of these three issues. NetBlocks is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create a digital future that is accessible and inclusive for all individuals. This organization is nonpartisan and acts autonomously.

Samizdat is a web-based library that can be loaded effortlessly on any website. Its objective is to evade the ubiquitous censorship on the internet.

The following projects were essential to the development of Mean OS and should be appropriately attributed.:

  • GUN is a data­base en­gine that runs everywhere JavaScript does, includ­ing web browsers, mobile de­vices, and servers. This enables you to construct the precise data system you want.
  • InterPlanetary File System: The InterPlanetary File System is a protocol and peer-to-peer network that allows users to store and exchange data in a distributed file system. This is possible using the InterPlanetary File System’s peer-to-peer networking function. IPFS uses content-addressing to provide a unique identifier for each file inside a global namespace that connects all computing devices. This is achieved by the use of a distributed hashing method.
  • A custom-built Hypertext Transfer Protocol Web Server for use with Google Chrome’s Web Server (chrome. sockets API)
  • Violentmonkey is a browser-additional user scripts support tool made available by Violentmonkey. Violentmonkey is the provider of Violentmonkey’s services. It will only function with web browsers that support WebExtensions since this is the only compatibility requirement.
  • Samizdat is a browser-based, decentralized website solution that tackles the issue of internet censorship. Samizdat was created in response to this problem. Users who want to visit the website will not be needed to download and install any additional software, and administrators will have to do a very little setup.
  • Cloudflare is a global company established in the United States that specializes in the supply of internet infrastructure and website security. Cloudflare, Inc. offers a variety of services to its clients, including protection against distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS), content delivery network services, internet protection, and distributed domain name server services.
  • Fuchsia-web-demo: Pink + Purple + Web == Fuchsia Web Demo — (unofficial). The Fuchsia Web Demo attempted to reproduce the Fuchsia OS Armadillo’s user interface (UI) and animations. RIP Armadillo. A simple Web Demo that imitates Google’s next operating system. It is compatible with all platforms and smartphones.
  • Mac OS X Lion with CSS3 Experiment by Alessio Atzeni — Mac OS X Lion with CSS3 Experimentation by Alessio Atzeni My purpose was to create the boot process, the login page, and the desktop of the Mac OS X Lion operating system using just CSS3.
  • Webix Web Desktop: Web Desktop on top of Webix UI, based on Webix UI widgets.
  • Vercel is the least complex method for launching websites, according to Vercel. Your online projects may be hosted here with no configuration required, an automated SSL certificate, and a global content delivery network.
  • BrowserStack is an online and mobile testing platform in the cloud that allows developers to test their websites and mobile apps across several browsers, operating systems, and actual mobile devices. Because the platform is hosted in the cloud, users are not needed to install or maintain an internal lab of virtual machines, devices, or emulators while utilizing BrowserStack.
  • Web3.js is the JavaScript Application Programming Interface of Ethereum. You may use the Ethereum JavaScript API through this page, which contains a link to the Generic JSON-RPC standard. You must guarantee that a local or remote Ethereum node is operational and connecting with the network to use this library. Please consult the manuals for any further information you want.
  • The Ethereum application known as simplifies and simplifies the process of processing user data as much as is practically possible at this moment.
  • Utilizing Node.js in the browser to introduce JavaScript Virtualization to x86 systems.
  • When users install the MetaMask browser extension, they can view websites that can communicate with the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Email Generator is an excellent tool for protecting your primary inbox from undesired junk e-mail, blocking spam, and maintaining your online safety and security.
  • PearDownloader is a download manager that supports many protocols, multiple sources, and hybrid peer-to-peer and content distribution network (P2P-CDN) distribution networks.
  • A web framework named Efraim has been created to aid in the production of virtual reality experiences and facilitate their construction.
  • Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for developing native applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms from a single source of code. Flutter may also be utilized for development across several platforms. 2015 saw the introduction of Flutter. Google was the company that came up with the concept for Flutter.
  • Dart is a client-focused programming language designed to facilitate the quick development of applications across several platforms.
  • If you use Google’s Material Components, which are available for Android, Flutter, iOS, and the web, you’ll be able to develop products that are not just visually beautiful but also practical.
  • Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS), which means it enables developers to build, operate, and manage their applications entirely in the cloud. Because Heroku is a Platform as a Service (PaaS), this is now attainable.
  • Botpress, the most popular open-source platform for conversational artificial intelligence, is utilized incorporate automation by enterprises throughout the globe.
  • In Decentraland, you may choose and customize your Avatar before embarking on an exciting voyage. On a blockchain-powered virtual reality platform, users may explore, create, play games, collect wearables, monetize creativity, utilize land plots, and practice 3D construction techniques.

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The first decentralized, artificially intelligent operating system was built on the MEAN.js stack. Mean OS is the first operating system hosted anonymously through a P2P network and non-standard in-browser distribution techniques.

$: > follow? rp: bp



Don Pablo

Follow me, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes — believe whatever you want to believe