Meanwhile in Poland — controversial award gala in Ministry of Development.

Among awarded: polish Prime Minister, anti-choice doctor and organisation that “cures” gayness.

Makary Gołosz
Meanwhile in Poland
3 min readMar 30, 2017


March 18th, on 30th death anniversary of Franciszek Blachnicki, priest and founder of Light-Life Movement at the building of polish Ministry of Development awards ceremony of “Truth — Cross — Emancipation”awards took place .

The Light-Life Movement (widely known as the Oasis Movement) is one of the movements of renewal in the Catholic Church, according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council. Movement originated in Poland thanks to the efforts of Servant of God Fr. Franciszek Blachnicki. It was criticized for reducing the role of church to social and therapeutic group.

Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło (fot.

Awards, called “Truth — Cross — Emancipation”, were granted, amongst the other parties to polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło, for “ introducing into the nations life Catholic social teaching, especially according to family support”. Head of the Standing Committee of the government, Henryk Kowalczyk, who received the award on her behalf, said at the ceremony inauguration:

it should be normal, that those events take place in governmental buildings. Government is supposed to serve the good, and Light — Live Movement is pure good”

Among rewarded parties were as well Bogdan Chazan, controversial MD, know for his open anti-choice views and Radio Maryja, “Hail Mary Radio”, ultra-conservative catholic radio station.
As Chazan accepting the award said:

“I accept this honor on behalf of young doctors, because in Poland physicians that want to be faithful to Christian values are fired

Also, Lublin-based group “Odwaga” (“Courage”) was awarded for “spiritual and therapeutic help to the people with unwanted sexual inclinations” —that means, basically, conversion therapy (which Blachicki himself was a polish pioneer). Conversion (or reparative) therapy is based on belief that homosexuality is caused by lack of strong parental bond, and thus can be “corrected” despite the fact that WHO removed homosexuality from list of diseases and related health problems back in 1993. American Psychiatric Association issued a strong statement on the subject as well:

American Psychiatric Association opposes any psychiatric treatment, such as “reparative” or conversion therapy, which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that a patient should change his/her sexual homosexual orientation. In doing so, the APA joined many other professional organizations that either oppose or are critical of “reparative” therapies, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, The American Counseling Association, and the National Association of Social Workers

Last year Polish Sexological Association issued a statement reminding that “reproducing prejudice against homosexuals may result in worsening physical and psychological conditions of functioning for large part of the society (as an example, suicidal attempts of persons harassed because of their orientation)”.

Cecylia Jakubczak from Kampania Przeciw Homofobi (“Campaign Against Homophobia”) — polish NGO fighting against discrimination on sexual orientation basis said in interview for

“it seems that Polish government set becoming Europe’s fortress of homophobia as a goal. It is concerning and outrageous. Hosting a gala where organization specializing in “curing” people from “unwanted inclinations” is awarded in a governmental building indicates, that government is ignorant and lacks responsibility

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