A year with $MDT — 2021

MDT Blog
Published in
4 min readDec 30, 2021

As 2021 draws to an end,

Happy Holidays!

This year we have achieved several milestones that help propel the growth of the $MDT data ecosystem which we would like to share with our supporters.

  1. Launch of RewardMe, World’s Most Effortless Cashback App

We launched the world’s first blockchain-enabled and effortless cashback app that makes earning rewards a breeze. Every purchase* automatically entitles users to earn reward dollars which can be redeemed for gift vouchers or crypto.

The rationale underpinning RewardMe is that we believe consumers should be justly rewarded for the data they contribute. To enforce our vision while respecting privacy protection, once users opt-in, all their data is anonymized and aggregated and only exchanged as big data.

We do not sell the data to third party ad agencies and our services are protected by the world’s most advanced security infrastructures. We never share emails, personally identifiable information, contacts or messages with third parties, unless required by law. Any data we collect is only to improve our service and enhance our app features to end users, and to create aggregate, anonymized e-commerce trends.

2. Debut of MeFi, The First Blockchain Oracle Bridging Financial Market Data with DeFi

We are excited to launch Measurable Finance (MeFi) this year, a blockchain oracle for financial market data, made for the decentralized finance industry. It contributes off-chain external financial data feeds to public blockchains, empowering the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem with reliable financial data on-chain.

3. Coinbase listed $MDT

December witnessed $MDT debuting on Coinbase. $MDT aims to enable a blockchain-based data economy, where data providers and data buyers can exchange data securely and anonymously. CoinBase operates one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges and holds funds for 73m retail customers, and is also a Y Combinator alumni as we are. In addition to Coinbase, $MDT is also available on Binance, OKEx, Bitterex, Poloniex, HitBTC, and Gate.io.

4. Panel Growth to Become the Largest Emerging Market E-receipt Provider

Measurable AI, $MDT’s alternative data analytics arm now owns the largest emerging markets email receipt consumer panel globally. We now have a database of over 1.6 million email accounts spanning across 22 countries with significant growth in our South East Asian and India panel, as well as new geographies entered into such as Japan.

5. New Retail Data Product Coming Soon

Apart from the e-receipts data, we have been exploring new products with other types of consumer data. The team is currently developing a retail focused data product for retailers and merchants. Retailers will be able to use our live dashboard to better understand their consumers and observe what retail trends and shopping behaviors are popular abroad that are suitable for their own consumer mix.

6. New Growth Hires to the Team

2021 also saw us growing the $MDT family as we welcome two new senior hires. Dr. Damien Passemier has joined to spearhead our Data Science team while Michelle Tang has been tasked to expand our business development and marketing outreach. As our number of projects and clients have grown, we are constantly on the lookout for more engineering and digital marketing talent. So if you know anyone who may be a good fit for our team, do write to us!

We end this year on a positive note and continue to work steadfastly on our mission to create a sustainable data ecosystem where data monetization is ubiquitous and more equitable and transparent for all those involved. Users will be empowered to monetize and control their own data, while data buyers and providers will be able to access a more efficient trading model. More will be revealed early next year so stay tuned!

Please write to us if you have any suggestions or feedback as to our apps so that we can improve our services for our loyal user base.


MDT team

