FAQ: What Is MDT And Why Should I Care About It?

MDT Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2018

1. What is MDT?

MDT is a blockchain-built decentralized data exchange ecosystem that rewards users for sharing your data. After you opt in, MDT will anonymise, aggregate and sell your data to data buyers, and you will get rewarded with $MDT. Basically, MDT allows you to regain control over your data and make money for sharing it with one click.

MDT will also provide a transparent and efficient marketplace for data buyers and data providers. $MDT will function as the currency in the ecosystem. Data buyers make a payment with $MDT, while users, data providers and data agencies get $MDT as rewards.

2. What does Measurable Data mean?

Measurable Data means measuring the value of your data and making it a measurable digital asset. We have become aware that we are generating massive amount of data every single day, which turns to be tremendously lucrative for tech companies. But as someone who contributes the valuable data, you never get a chance to know exactly how much value your data owns, not to mention make any profit out of it.

MDT wants to change that, and the first step would be deciding the value of your data based on reasonable metrics. The value of data can be calculated in terms of timing, richness and quantity of data. We elaborated on this subject in updated MDT White Paper.

Click here for MDT’s White Paper.

3. Why should I know about MDT?

Because you deserve to have more control over your own data and be rewarded for sharing it. When you chat with your friends on social media or enter a keyword in search engine, you are unknowingly trading in your privacy for so-called free services. It is the tech tycoons who are taking advantages of you. We firmly believe you should be the one to decide whether you want to share your data. You should have access to figuring out the value of your data, how it is used. And you should get rewards.

4. What advantages does MDT have over other competitors?

First of all, MDT pledges to protect your privacy. The data transacted in MDT ecosystem is anonymized, aggregated data, rather than private data that could be used to identify who you are. The MDT SDK(Software Development Kit) plays an important role in helping data providers anonymize personal data. More precisely, what data buyers purchase in MDT ecosystem is the authorization to using your data instead of the ownership of data.

Furthermore, MDT enables same data to bring profits to you for several times. There might be more than one buyer who wants to use your data. Every time someone buys the access to using your data, you will get rewarded.

5. After I earn $MDT, What can I use it for?

$MDT is more like utility tokens than crypto assets. You will be able to purchase exclusive services with $MDT in the ecosystem. For example, in Open Messenger, the first use case of MDT, users can pay for the service to contact celebrities or professionals with $MDT, like 5 $MDT for sending a email to a famous lawyer to consult issues on getting divorced.

In the updated MDT White Paper, we introduce a brand new incentive program. It is similar to a loyalty program for any brand, but the “credits” here are $MDT. Any third party companies can integrate with the program, set up tasks, and encourage their consumers to finish them. Those who accomplish the tasks can get $MDT as rewards.

6. Tell me more about MDT team.

MDT is currently built and operated by the MailTime team, which is hired by Measurable Foundation to develop the ecosystem in the early stage. MailTime is a YCombinator company backed by top VCs and Angels from Silicon Valley and China.

MailTime, our major product, is an email messenger app that makes emails as easy as text-messaging. Debuted at the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield SF in 2014, MailTime was awarded as “Best of 2015” by Apple App Store, and we also won the champion of 4YFN at 2017 Mobile World Conference. MailTime has now hit more than 5 million downloads.

Click here for more info on our team and investors.

7.How about investors and partners of MDT?

After we launched MDT last year, numerous VCs have shown interests and eventually invested in it, such as Monday Capital, Draper Dragon, Node Capital, INBlockchain, LINKVC, etc.

MailTime is the first use case to compensate users for anonymous data they share. It stores a large number of consumer data, such as receipts. After it integrates with MDT and obtains permissions from its users, it can anonymize and gather data points in emails stored on their server by using the MDT SDK.

8. What progress your team has made so far?

We have been working extremely hard on developing MDT ecosystem since we published the initial version of MDT White Paper last August. We just updated the White Paper in March. Now we are about to finalize the UX design for MDT Wallet and working on the API setup at the same time. We expect to have a beta test of MDT Wallet in June. You can check out the roadmap on our website(mdt.co).

The innovative business model of MDT has attracted many experienced professionals to join us. They are either veteran technical executives who helped build established tech companies, or seasoned marketing talents who used to work for successful firms like HUAWEI and Binance. We firmly believe that they will accelerate the development of MDT and help us achieve our goals smoothly!

MDT is currently starting its own Blockchain Meetup Series, touring 5- 10 cities in China. The series meetups themed as “MDT Blockchain Talks 101” will officially kick off in Chengdu, China. Over 100 blockchain startups, enthusiasts, industry leaders will be invited to join us and share their insights on this ever-changing land. Unlike most blockchain conferences with ridiculous ticket fee and huge audience gathering, this meetup series focuses on down-to-earth quality fireside chats.

To get the latest updates on MDT, join our Telegram group, subscribe to our blog/Reddit page or follow us on Twitter/Facebook!

❤️Website https://www.mdt.co/

🍊Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/MeasurableDataToken

✈️Telegram https://t.me/measurabledata

🌊Twitter / Facebook- @measurabledata

About MDT

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a decentralized data exchange economy connecting users, data providers, and data buyers and denominates the value of data. MDT compensates users for sharing anonymous big data while providing data buyers and providers with a more efficient and impartial trading model. The team previously built MailTime, an email app with over 5 million users, which is also the first use case of MDT ecosystem.

MDT is now listed on OKEx, gate.io and Bancor Network.

