Highlight This Week: MDT Featured By MIT Technology Review

MDT Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2018


For MDT Wallet,

1.On back-end, the engineering team has finished developing API Key and Secret authentication. These are for third party developers to access MDT Wallet’s APIs. API Key can be used to verify the identify of third party developers, track and control how the APIs are used.

2.They’ve also finished Google two-factor authentication API, which will integrate with transfer workflow soon. It will make it safer to transfer MDTs on MDT Wallet.

3.On front-end, loading screen with MDT logo, enter phone number page, setting screen and price unit screen have been finished.


1.MIT Technology Review (Chinese version) published an exclusive coverage about MDT. MDT Co-Founder Heatherm Huang was interviewed. Titled as Are You Willing to Share Your Data to make money?, this article addressed the urgent issues that need to be solved in big data industry, and how blockchain-based products, such as MDT, can tackle those problems by leveraging the emerging technology.

Click here to read the full article.

2. A promising Chinese blockchain media, ODaily, featured MDT in their new coverage Anonymize Your Data and Track Where It Comes From, MDT Wants To Be Nielsen In Blockchain Industry. This article highlighted the most important advantages MDT has over its competitors: first of all, it will anonymize the data it collects from data agencies to protect user’s privacy. Second, the same data point can be used for several times by different data buyers, and users will get rewarded every time their data is deployed.

Odaily has been collaborating with another leading tech media in China, 36 Kr. This article was published on both media’s websites and apps.

Click here to check it out!

3. One of our investors, Chandler Guo, talked about MDT in a famous TV shows produced by iFeng TV. iFeng TV is the most popular TV Station in Hong Kong. During the show, Chandler talked about the conflicts between tech giants and average users in terms of using data to make money. He said users deserved to earn their portions of profits for contributing data. This is exactly what MDT is doing right now.


1.We officially start to recruit MDT Angels for the third round. We already have 22 MDT Angels to date, and we plan to recruit 10–20 new angels to join us. Wherever you are, whatever you do, as long as you are passionate about blockchain and support MDT, you are always welcomed to join MDT global family!

To apply for becoming a MDT Angel, please send your resume and email address to Carina@mdt.co and maggie@mdt.co by June 18!

2. TRON Super Representatives Election is finally going to take place in the end of June. To answer some frequently asked questions brought up by our community members, we wrote an article to tackle issues such as MDT’s advantages over other candidates, how we will help manage TRON community, and so on. Read the full article here!

3. As MDT’s global community keeps expanding, some MDT supporters are calling for a open platform to express their thoughts about MDT and make their voices heard. To better fulfill their needs, we are going to launch a newly-designed community website. You will not only be able to obtain the latest news about MDT on the website, but also post articles on it after they are approved. In addition, we will appraise and elect the most promising MDT Angels every month and every season. Stay tuned for our new website!

About MDT

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a decentralized data exchange economy connecting users, data providers, and data buyers and denominates the value of data. MDT compensates users for sharing anonymous big data while providing data buyers and providers with a more efficient and impartial trading model. The team previously built MailTime, an email app with over 5 million users, which is also the first use case of MDT ecosystem. MDT is now listed on OKEx, gate.io and Bancor Network.

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