Highlights This Week: MDT launches its own Blockchain Meetup Series and More

MDT Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2018


This week, our engineering team kicked off the development of our Generic MDT Wallet Account System!

Currently the docker and dev development setup for the Account System has almost finished. This allows us to start building token management features, such as cash-out services, transaction generator for testing cash-out and more.

We’ve also completed the first version of Golang ethereum cash-out lib for MDToken (MDTokenManager). This lib is supposed to be used by all golang related MDT token program which needs to interact with ethereum network.


We are excited to announce that MDT is to run for the Super Representative Election by TRON Network, currently one of most competitive public blockchains. The first Super Representatives(SR) Election will start June 26th, 2018, where 27 SRs will be elected, laying the foundation for a self-governed community with a general election.

As a decentralized data exchange ecosystem which rewards users for sharing anonymous big data, MDT believes that a self-governed community is the future for most blockchains. We are happy to support one of the early adopters of this innovative way for self-governance like TRON.

Details on how to support MDT as a Super Representatives(SR) for TRON will be announced soon. Please stay tuned!


MDT is starting its own Blockchain Meetup Series, touring 5- 10 cities. The series meetups themed as “MDT Talks” will officially kick off in Chengdu, China. Over 100 blockchain startups, enthusiasts, industry leaders will be invited to join us and share their insights on this ever-changing land. Unlike most blockchain conferences with ridiculous ticket fee and huge audience gathering, this meetup series focuses on down-to-earth quality fireside chats.

Currently over 80 blockchain media have joined Golden media league to support this series meetups. Applications for the first meetup is now open, please contact carina@mdt.co for partnership or speaking opportunities.

MDT launches its branded gifts! We are giving away MDT T-shirts, chargers, hats, hoodies and more cool stuff in the future! Get ready to “be gifted”! Join our Telegram community to be the first to win these free gifts!


The second round of MDT Ambassadors election has finished! Congratulations to our 6 newly elected ambassadors. Thanks to our ambassadors’ enthusiasm, creativity and dedication, our community has grown to over 100,000 members.

April 15, MDT was invited to LINK VC’s Shenzhen meetup to share its latest update. As one of the few applications that is built on Ethereum, Heatherm Huang, cofounder of MDT shared his thoughts on the future of public blockchains. “We are waiting for the Windows OS to come to the blockchain world, before that it is not a wise choice to move everything that is already mature on the web world to the blockchain”.

On the Airdrop event from last month, we have started to distributed the airdrop tokens in batches since this Thursday. Please stay tuned for the announcements in the Telegram Group.

About MDT

Measurable Data Token (MDT) is a decentralized data exchange economy connecting users, data providers, and data buyers and denominates the value of data. MDT compensates users for sharing anonymous big data while providing data buyers and providers with a more efficient and impartial trading model. The team previously built MailTime, an email app with over 5 million users, which is also the first use case of MDT ecosystem. MDT is now listed on OKEx, Gate.io and Bancor Network.

MDT is now listed on OKEx, gate.io and Bancor Network. Want to know more about MDT and its collaboration with other consumer apps? Stay tuned for forthcoming posts on our blog!

Website https://www.mdt.co/

Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/MeasurableDataToken

Telegram https://t.me/measurabledata

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