Updates on MDT’s New Project

MDT Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2020

Since February 2020, the MDT team have initiated a new project to enrich our data reward ecosystem — a new app featuring data monetization with the concept of “Data Cahsback”.

The new product is still unnamed. To facilitate the communication of weekly reports to our community, it is temporarily called “the Independent App”.

Specific new features of the mysterious flagship independent app will be announced to the community later, currently we are still at the internal development stage.

The app is also open-sourced when developing, check out out Github page: https://github.com/measurabledatatoken/mymdt-mobile

As of April, the development progress of independent app :

  • New independent app officially named
  • Prepared for the release of the first beta version
  • Push server development and integration completed
  • The code review of the birthday gift background feature is completed
  • Final code review to support subsequent development
  • Front-end development of the homepage, login page
  • Front-end development of rewards and special rewards page and task page
  • MailTime SDK to integrate with the new independent app completes
  • New app’s visual kit design is finalized including logo, theme color, etc

Some of the previews of the new independent app:

Stay Tuned!

Btw don’t forget to join our Telegram Group to learn more:


