Measure Protocol welcomes Kristin Luck to its advisory board

Paul Neto
Measure Protocol
Published in
1 min readNov 1, 2018

The team at Measure is pleased to welcome Kristin Luck to its advisory team as announced on EIN Newsdesk.

“With Measure’s blockchain-powered approach I believe we have a real opportunity to effect positive change in data quality.” — Kristin Luck, Growth Specialist

Measure Protocol was founded on the belief that blockchain can provide the basis for changing the way respondents and researchers interact. For consumers, this technology allows sovereignty and better privacy controls over their own data, along with fair rewards. For researchers, this type of protocol-based approach saves money and increases data quality through transparency and automated techniques such as profile verification, reputation tracking and the ability to reuse shared data.

“Measure’s approach is poised to transform survey research, with the result being better data quality and improved respondent engagement,” said Luck. “During my 20+ years in market research, I have seen a number of persistent industry problems, and I’ve also seen new technologies to ‘solve’ these problems come and go. With Measure’s blockchain-powered approach I believe we have a real opportunity to effect positive change in data quality.”

Our team is growing and we believe Kristin’s expertise in accelerating growth, and as a pioneer in the research industry, adds to the depth of our expertise as a team. Welcome, Kristin!



Paul Neto
Measure Protocol

co-founder/CMO @ Measure Protocol. Previously VP Digital & Media at Kantar. Entrepreneur, researcher, golfer-sometimes, and Porsche and driving enthusiast.