An Overview of Mech Master’s Mecha

Mech Master
Mech Master
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2021
Introduction to Mech Master Mecha

Introduction to Mecha

Mecha is a versatile battle machine created in the Mech Master Universe to combat evil superpowers from outer space. To be more specific, there are seven Mecha races, each with a unique appearance. The Mech Master Universe is highly varied because each race has its narrative and benefits. The unique feature is that a mecha cannot attack by itself without the assistance of a pilot. In the real game play, Mecha will be dispatched to Earth to recruit pilots.

Each Mecha has its customized stats.
(The numbers are not factual, only for simulating purposes)

Mecha Races and their Unique Characteristics

We differentiate the Mecha race based on its appearances and stats. The order of each race is classified by its rarity — the lower the rate, the rarer the Mecha race.

The rarity level of Mecha races

The first Mecha race and also the most common one is Legion. They are humanoid, which stand tall and robust, towering over normal-sized men. The Legions held a two-edged sword, ready to give their lives in exchange for the peace they once had. This Mecha race fights the enemies bravely during their attack until achieving victory. Since then, Legions have been known to be defenders of the cities. The first Legion created was titled Promethean, a masterpiece and the strongest among the group.


The second Mech race is Ravager which is a half-human half-animal. As the Ravager Mechas take the shapes of several types of animals, the race possesses much more power than humans in raw strength. The first Mecha of this race is Arachne which was inspired to take the shape of furious spiders. Ravager Mechas were born with high durability. Specialized in attacking with high stats, Ravagers rely on strong attacks to tear apart the enemies into pieces. For this reason, they’re usually called the Beast of Mech Master Army.


Coming to the third race, known as Giant, looks like a huge machine. Giants are the largest and most durable of all the mechas. This Mecha race is hard to take down since they specialize in assaulting with high stats, keeping adversaries apprehensive about the slow and inevitable fate of being squashed under their massive melee weapons. The first mecha in the Giant race was Dreadnaught, an inspiration for the first battleship from the ancient first World War. They are giant mechas that move slowly on the ground, high damage to any creatures approaching just in a split second.


Alien has no fixed appearance. Their body parts are made from elements not found on Earth therefore, the Aliens have a magical yet inexplicable ability. Aliens are not only incredibly active and agile in fighting, but they also specialize in surprising their opponents by deploying destructive weaponry to acquire a significant advantage in conflicts. Nobody knows where the Alien’s parts come from; all that is known is more technologically advanced and intelligent. The first Mecha in the Alien race, whose name was inspired by where it was born: from the crack of the galaxy center, is Rifter


Relics differ from other Mechas because they lack joints in their bodies, allowing them to dislocate and replace body parts swiftly. Relics’ size puts them in direct competition with Giants, although they have plenty of internal energy storage. They are adaptable in combat and do Area of Effect (AOE) damage with crowd control. All foes are terrified when they use their teleport ability. The first Mecha in the Relic race dubbed Watchman, an inspiration of ancient times, civilization has perished. Watchman can move in an artificial movement system based on the mechanism of the hyperplane, called hyperlink network.


Shapeshifters are among the rarest Mecha races. These Mechas have a shape that can swap among other races. They are recognized for having the capacity to change, hence they are also characterized as a hybrid between a humanoid and an attacking mode of transportation such as tanks or planes. Shapeshifters are the only race being able to change into other forms. For instance, in Air form, they can swap into an airplane and be able to fly. Whereas in Ground form, they take shape just like a humanoid.


Aerial is the rarest Mecha race with an extraordinary advantage compared to other races. This Mech species is also a humanoid but with wings. Aerials take on the form of winged beings, like an eagle looking for prey. This race has the ability to fly above terrains, like an angel watching over the mountains. Aerials possess extraordinary agility that they can cross miles and miles with a speedy movement for combat. Aerials are praised for being the kings of air combat, using utility equipment to aid them in their fights, a balanced defense, and that devastating speed of theirs. The first mecha in the Aerial race was named Valkyrie, an inspiration of the ancient Valkyries in Norse mythology.


In parts 2 and 3 of this series, we will discuss the detailed Mecha Anatomy and its stat.

About Mech Master

Mech Master is the first-ever complex 3D rendering character in a Blockchain game and the only Mecha (Gunpla) NFT. Mech Master not only provides players stunning and brilliant graphics but also the one-of-a-kind experience to be co-existing with their Mechas with Augmented Reality technology.

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Mech Master
Mech Master

Mech Master is a Turn-Based RPG Strategy game where you bring the future technology to build your territory and protect the homeland.