Introduction of $MECH Tokenomics

Mech Master editor
Mech Master
Published in
3 min readOct 23, 2021

Being a sci-fi blockchain game, Mech Master enables its players to join the battles and enjoy Mech Master tokens (MECH) as rewards from victory. This article will cover details about $MECH token and its economy, including specifications, vesting schedule, allocation, and utilities.

How does $MECH token work?

Mech Master Token is a BEP-20 token based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), governing the Mech Master universe. $MECH holders can use their tokens to stake attractive annual percentage rates, play the game, and participate in crucial governance votes.

Players will also earn $MECH tokens when competing in various in-game activities and events within the Mech Master universe.

$MECH Tokenomics

Token specifications

  • Token symbol: MECH
  • Total supply: 650,000,000
  • Hardcap: $2,603,250
  • Seed sale: $341,250
  • Private sale: $1,950,000
  • Public sale: $312,000
  • Initial Market Cap Without LP: $492,960
  • Initial Circulation Supply: 12,324,000

Vesting schedule

  • Seed sale: Cliff 1 month, then linearly over 16 months
  • Private sale: 15% at TGE, then 17% over 5 quarters
  • Public sale: 25% at TGE, then 25% at months 3, 5, and 7
  • Advisor and team: 6 months fully locked, then unlock over 18 months
  • Treasury: Unlock over 48 months
  • Marketing + partnership: 15% in 2 months, then linearly over 46 months
  • Game Incentives: Unlock over 48 months
  • Airdrop: Unlock over 48 months
  • Liquid & Listing: Unlock over 48 months

Token Allocation

Token distribution

Token utilities

There are 5 primary utilities of the $MECH tokens:

  • In-game currency: Most items in the game will be payable using $MECH tokens. Mech Master players can use $MECH tokens to build and/or upgrade Mechas, land, and weapons which can easily be traded with others. They can also use $MECH tokens to enter special events in the Mech Master universe and receive more $MECH tokens.
  • Governance tokens: Their holders can vote for new features and settings of the game. Furthermore, they can lock $MECH tokens for a specific time to gain voting rights. The more $MECH tokens locked, the more voting power they obtain.
  • NFT farming and renting: $MECH tokens can be used to farm and rent NFTs and other collectibles. Besides practicing all these by themselves, players can hire others to upgrade their NFTs and monetize from NFTs upgraded.
  • Staking: $MECH holders can become a part of the game by staking $MECH tokens into pools. Different pools will yield different rewards such as new items, new Mechas, or $MECH tokens.
  • Character and item creating: $MECH holders can use $MECH tokens to receive Mecha weapons as randomized rewards.

Join pools on Red Kite

Private Pool: Saturday, October 23, 2021

  • Buying time: 01:00 PM UTC — 02:00 PM UTC

IDO Pool: Sunday, October 24, 2021

  • Buying time Phase 1 (Guaranteed allocation): 12:00 PM UTC — 01:00 PM UTC
  • Buying time Phase 2 (FCFS): 01:00 PM UTC — 01:15 PM UTC

Community Pool: Sunday, October 24, 2021

  • Buying time: 1:15 PM UTC — 01:30 PM UTC

Join pools on GameFi

Private Pool: Saturday, October 23, 2021

  • Buying time: 01:00 PM UTC — 02:00 PM UTC

IGO Pool: Sunday, October 24, 2021

  • Buying time Phase 1 (Guaranteed allocation): 12:30 PM UTC — 01:30 PM UTC
  • Buying time Phase 2 (FCFS): 01:30 PM UTC — 01:45 PM UTC

Community Pool: Sunday, October 24, 2021

  • Buying time: 01:45 PM UTC — 02:00 PM UTC

Enter our events on RedKite and GameFi to get your lucrative $MECH tokens now!

About Mech Master

Mech Master is the first-ever complex 3D rendering character in a Blockchain game and the only Mecha NFT. Mech Master provides players with stunning and brilliant graphics and the one-of-a-kind experience to coexist with their Mechas with Augmented Reality technology.

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