Legion — A Metalized Infantry

Mech Master
Mech Master
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2021

Legions are the first Mecha created, built using parts found in military bases. Since military personnel are trained to use their body to do all the heavy-duty work, specializing in their combined hand and leg movements, a humanoid figure giant robot suits them the most as something they are familiar with.

They were created right after the first attack caused by the invading aliens, Krakens, in a major city in Oasis. Millions of lives were lost on that day when the entire city was wiped under an hour. Leaving the military feeling guilty and helpless for not being able to do their job — to protect those civilians’ lives. They know they need a weapon, a weapon strong enough to destroy the Krakens, a weapon powerful enough to defend the people.

Thus, legions were born.

Standing tall and robust, towering over the normal-sized men, the Legions held a two-edged sword, ready to give their lives in exchange for the peace they once had. And like a battalion of troops, the Legions fought the enemies bravely during the next attack and achieved their first victory.

Since then, Legions are known to be defenders of the cities. Boasting a balanced amount of attack and defense, and an adequate amount of durability, they are a large force that stays ever watchful over the civilians, knowing that the enemies will strike again anytime.

Legion’s Part in details
Legion Sketching

The designing team named them after the mighty Roman Legion, the name symbolizing discipline, proficiency, and strength. They appear in a blistering color of flame, bright red and yellow, to strike fear in enemies. And illuminating in the center is a blue energy core, the spectrum of the hottest fire as if the burning hearts and souls of the dedicated military fighters ready to give their lives.

The first Legion created was titled Promethean, a masterpiece and the strongest among the group. Promethean was chosen to be sent back in time after the fall of Homo Deus, to set as an example for engineers to replicate it. Yet, no Legions created after were comparable to Promethean.

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Mech Master
Mech Master

Mech Master is a Turn-Based RPG Strategy game where you bring the future technology to build your territory and protect the homeland.