Definitions & Concepts

Stephan Smith
Mechanics of Search
2 min readOct 27, 2019

If you are going to build a search engine you need to know a few terms.

Microservice — Service that allows code that run in the cloud. In this project, the small piece of code runs on and provides the bridge between Takeshape and Algolia.

API — Application Programming Interface. Long name for a simple concept. Its a way to allow programs and services to take to each other. (Its also how Skynet will get control.)

API Keys- Private ID values that provide an individual user or program acess to an API. Think of API keys as a digital version of your front apartment or house keys. You tend to keep them secure.

Git — Program to allow you to manage your git repo.

JSON — Javascript Object Notation

WebHooks — Feature of a site or service that allows changes in data to be pushed to other applications for action. Commonly used to alert other systems of changes or actions.

Algolia Terms

Index — Algolia object contains all the data, configuration and settings for your search engine.

Facet — A field in an index that allows users to do more complex queries.

Disjunctive Facet — A field in an index that allows

Filter — Feature of an index that allows for limiting the total recoreds in a query.

searchable — Setting in an index that determines if a given facet can have its values searchable from a query or search UI.

Faceted Search UI — UI that contains facets, query terms, results, and pagination.

Working example of a facetted UI (

AutoComplete UI — A single line search element that provides matching results as a user types in values. Here is an example that lets a user enter a part of cheese name and see results as they type.

A working example of an Autocomplete —

GeoSearch — Type of Algolia search that uses geographic locations to enable search by location. And enables the display of search results in a map format.

Ranking — Set of rules or concepts that allow a user to return the best matches for a given query term or set of refinements.



Stephan Smith
Mechanics of Search

Startup founder — Boston based full stack developer with a strong focus on rapid prototyping, server-less solutions, and testable code.