How to Get Started

Stephan Smith
Mechanics of Search
2 min readOct 27, 2019

So you want to build a search engine.

TLDR: Jump to the bottom and use the ‘Deploy to Heroku’ Button.

First set up an account on is a French startup that provides Search-As-A-Service. Wonderful concept. The Algolia team has made the search so powerful, effective and easy to use that it has become a go-to solution. Gone are the days when companies need to spend months and ramp to setup elastic search replications servers. Algolia has democratic the entire concept.

It's free if you choose the community package. And for this project, the community package is all you need.

Second, Setup an account on provides content-as-a-service. This service is where you will set up your search engine data. Algolia will provide the search tools. Takeshape provides data management.

Third, Setup an Account on Heroku

I hate to say it, but again, Platform-as-a-service. provides a super easy and effective way to deploy code to the cloud. The sample code for this project comes with a ‘Deploy’ to Heroku button. This service may ask for a credit card, but you will not need to pay anything to have a hobby dyno running the microservices for your search engine.

Note: there are a ton of other ways to host microservices, but this worked the best so far. Here is a link that setups up your app.


Ok, you have the pieces. To get startup I recommend you fork the Formaggio repo on Github, then click the ‘Deploy to Heroku’ button. If you do not have have an account on Heroku, no problem, they will get you registered.



Stephan Smith
Mechanics of Search

Startup founder — Boston based full stack developer with a strong focus on rapid prototyping, server-less solutions, and testable code.