Appreciating Art vs. Artists

Why I think it’s okay to like art from controversial artists

Kimberly A. Irwin
Med Daily


Photo by Mihai Surdu on Unsplash

In today’s socially-conscious climate, I feel that sometimes we (as a society) can feel conflicted between liking art vs. liking the artist who made said art. I think it’s an important distinction and too often the line between respect for art in its own right, and respect for the actual artist, gets blurred.

We are living in the post #MeToo era. Many notable, and talented, people have been taken down and affected by this wave.

I’m not disparaging this movement at all (and I’m definitely not advocating for less harsh judgement of sexual abusers)— I’m just offering some points for discussion.

If art, any type of art — be it a movie/music/TV show/book/poem, etc., moves you and speaks to you in some way — it’s OK to like it and openly voice support for it, even if the artist who made said moving and beautiful art, is in reality, a walking dumpster-fire of a person, and arguably a huge douche.

You can like the art without liking the artist.

One notable example, is Chris Brown.

I love old Chris Brown songs like With You, Kiss Kiss, Wall to Wall, I Can Transform Ya — all his old hits. Love them. I have them all downloaded on my phone.



Kimberly A. Irwin
Med Daily

Writer. Idealist. #AuthorKimIrwin #WritingCommunity #TheEnlightenmentSagaBook1