How I Use Reading to Combat Writer’s Block

Learn how to turn a normal book into writing inspiration

Trevor Mahoney
Med Daily


We’ve all been there. The cursor blinking incessantly. No words being poured elegantly onto the screen.

Believe me, writer’s block is probably one of the most common problems when it comes to writing. You want to be a consistent writer but how can you possibly come up with new articles and ideas every day?

It’s a tall task but I discovered a long time ago that reading has an amazing impact on reducing my writer’s block.

I do feel it’s worth noting that the best way to reduce writer’s block by reading is to use a book you are actually interested in.

Personally, I own a few different books. Some are fiction and simply for sitting back and enjoying. A few others, however, are in my writing niches and I use them to help inspire myself with ideas.

Other people are actually really smart and their work can serve as an amazing inspiration for your pieces. Of course, don’t plagiarize, but there’s nothing wrong with citing an idea from another author and applying that idea to your own life.

How Can Reading Provide Inspiration?



Trevor Mahoney
Med Daily

Studying Finance and Management Information Systems • Technology and Space Enthusiast • California Born