How Listening to Music Can Improve Your Writing

Start tuning into that radio to give your work a voice.

Trevor Mahoney
Med Daily


I was sitting in my Airbnb just a few moments ago wondering what I should write about when inspiration suddenly struck.

My typical EDM music was playing through Bluetooth speakers and I realized I couldn’t remember a time I didn’t listen to music while writing a piece.

Now, when people tell you to listen to music when writing they usually suggest Mozart of Beethoven. However, I personally believe that all you need to do is listen to music that keeps your mind active and happy.

For me, that’s electronic music. Very aggressive for writing, I know.

It keeps me working, though, and that’s what really matters. So…

How Can Listening to Music Improve Your Writing?

There’s scientific backing to this, don’t worry.

Listening to music that has no lyrics, including EDM, has been shown to activate the left and right regions of the brain; as well as stimulate creativity.

Something else I’ve noticed is that I seem to type far faster and more efficiently when music is going in the background. I have a theory that it has to do with the fast tempo of the…

