How to Succeed on Medium When You’re on Vacation

Is there anything you can do to stay successful on the site when you’re on vacation and away from your computer?

Brian Rowe
Med Daily


Photo by Toa Heftiba at Unsplash

Vacation is a tricky thing when you’re a writer.

For most people, vacation is a time to step away from your work completely and enjoy some much needed time off with family and friends. A time to do nothing, and everything, besides work.

But as a writer there’s never really such thing as a vacation because, really, we’re always working. Even on days when we’re not writing, we’re thinking of new stories and characters, we’re consuming images around us we might use in our writing one day. When you’re a fiction writer, the ideas in your head never fully shut off, even when you’re thousands of miles away from home and nowhere near a laptop.

As a Medium writer, vacations are even trickier because time spent away from the site means a drop in your earnings. I guess if you’re one of the top, top writers on the site you could go a week or two weeks without writing anything new and still manage to do really well for the month, but if you’re not at the very top, a week or two away from the site will have a dramatic impact on the money you make, there’s no way around it.

