Med Daily | Writer’s Workshop | 003

A look at the best writing advice from Medium’s savviest writers for the week of Dec. 22 to Dec. 28.

T.S. Johnson
Med Daily


Ending 2019 With A Whimper

Okay, that might not be fair, but I’m definitely not ending it with a bang.

A drop in holiday views, rate per hour and an algorithm update that seems to have killed this account that I’ve worked so hard to build.

My back catalog now earns virtually nothing since Medium updated that homepage and even when I post on this account I’m lucky to make a few dollars because the combination of a drop in views and the lower hourly rate (one hour of read time used to equal $2 now not so much) has killed my earnings.

On the other hand, I’ve been quadruple curated for the first time on my secondary account and my sexy account is near to out-earning this account; so it is not all bad.

There are some big questions for me and 2020 moving forward with Medium. With this account in what seems to be permanent Curation Jail and all the other changes, I don’t know if it is worth posting anything on this account other than Medium content.

Anything else, even when posting in publications doesn’t seem worth it because my back catalog isn’t getting…

