Taking a Step Back as I Figure Some Things Out

No Med Weekly Update Today

T.S. Johnson
Med Daily


So today I’d normally be writing my Med Daily update on the week.

But, considering my level of frustration at the moment and the absolute mess of a week it was, I will save that update for tomorrow.

Instead I will write that over the next couple of weeks I need to put most of my focus in my Etsy Store and focused less on my Medium writing. I no longer use Medium as a source of income (there’s an article coming about that). Right now I’m using it to get back in the habit of writing consistently.

The problem with that is I’ve been winging it instead of being methodical in my approach and, what’s supposed to be a fun part-time activity, is causing me quite a bit of stress.

Now this is stress of my own making. I’ve plenty of content written and I just need to sit down and schedule it so I’m not running around like a chicken with my head cut off each day trying to get my article up before midnight.

Some of this is also that I’m not following my own advice and making sure I write at the same time each day (this would be in the morning for me after coffee) and allowing other things to distract from my writing time.

