The Right Way and Wrong Way to Tag Someone in a Medium Story

It’s usually an honor to be tagged in someone else’s Medium story, but keep in mind that there’s a right way to do it.

Brian Rowe
Med Daily


Photo by Jon Ly at Unsplash

I loved to be tagged in other writers’ stories… when it’s done the right way, of course.

And typically it is done the right way. I would say two or three times a week I find myself tagged in another writer’s story. And most of the time, I’m thrilled to see the tag… when the writer of the article gives some clear context as to why I’m being tagged.

When a writer spends a sentence or longer talking about something he or she got out of one of my articles and wants to say thanks, that always means the world to me. When a writer points to one of my pieces and gives me credit, that’s fantastic. When a writer mentions my name because he or she likes my writing, I’m amazed!

In my first year or so of writing for Medium, I don’t remember ever being tagged. I didn’t even know that was a thing. So when it started happening this past summer, I felt like these tags signified I was gaining some traction on this site, that I was helping other writers and having some kind of impact on the Medium community.

