Week 2 of Eat Less, Burn More 28 Day Challenge — Slimmer Body

EP McKnight, MEd
Med Daily
Published in
12 min readJan 13, 2020


A regular week of my life during this challenge and how I stayed on track. A road-map to changing your life one bite at a time!! Getting off track, don’t derail the train, get back on and full speed ahead!!

Week 2 of Eat Less, Burn More 28 Day Challenge — Slimmer Body, no sugar, no bread, low refine carbs and high complex carbs!! Heavens NO Processed Foods!!!

  1. Plan & Prepared your meals in advance
  2. Write all meals down, this alerts you of your true consumption
  3. Weekly chart your weight
  4. Drink lots of water
  5. Eliminate all sugar and starches food
  6. Accountability weekly call

Week 2 going full speed ahead. After the weekly conference call with all participants and hearing their goals and accomplishments thus far was so inspiring and encouraging that we are all on a successful road to a healthier self for 2020!!

One most notable participants begun his conversation with “I Did It!” Then he proceeded to share his daily intake from breakfast, lunch and dinner per day and conclude with his weight loss from 190’s to 180’s. He proclaimed that he didn’t…



EP McKnight, MEd
Med Daily

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok, imdb.me/epmcknight