What Gets Lost in the Quantity vs. Quality Debate: Opportunity

If you’re an indie-publisher, you need to publish a lot of content to find success.

T.S. Johnson
Med Daily


You can’t make money from articles you don’t publish.

Anytime the quality vs. quantity debate comes up this is my go-to line. Each article you publish is an opportunity. It is an opportunity to make more money. It is an opportunity to gain new readers. It is an opportunity to gain new subscribers.

If you’re only publishing a few articles here and there, you are greatly limiting your opportunities to achieve writing success, how ever you define it. As an indie writer, someone who publishes their own work and earns money from their writing, volume is your friend.

How much you write is one of the few things you can control that has a direct impact on how much you earn each month. So let’s dispel a few myths that always rear their ugly heads when this debate comes up:

There’s a concrete definition of quality content

Anytime someone goes on and on about the importance of writing high-quality content; they never seem to have a definition of what that means.

