Another Swine Flu Outbreak?

Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2020

With most of the world still reeling from the socio-economic repercussions of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many in the general public would be quick to come to the conclusion that things couldn’t possibly get worse, however recent even might indicate otherwise.

Scientists from mainland China have recently discovered a new strain of virus hailing from the H1N1 family (the pathogen behind the 2009 swine flu outbreak) in local domesticated pigs. Evidence indicated that this novel strain of the H1N1 virus is zoonotic in nature as it has all the hallmarks of being highly adapted to infect humans, as it can grow and multiply the cells that line the human respiratory airways making it an ideal candidate pandemic virus. It should be noted that current flu vaccines do not appear to be effective against this virus (although it’s believed that they could be adapted if required). Additionally, experts are concerned that this virus could mutate further so that it can achieve human to human transmission and possibly trigger another global swine flu outbreak or something much worse.

In conclusion the international community shouldn’t ignore the other possible deadly zoonotic pathogens out there.



Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
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