New Outbreaks: Beijing and COVID-19

Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2020

With the world currently in the midst of a dangerous pandemic, quite a lot of countries are facing an emergence of active COVID-19 cases, with many considering this the second wave of global coronavirus outbreaks. One such nation would be the place where it all started, the People’s Republic of China.

As of the time of writing, Beijing, the capital city of the People’s Republic of China, is facing another COVID-19 outbreak. Although, the Chinese government continues to downplay the domestic effects of COVID-19 to the international community (allegedly), there have been over a hundred positively identified cases since last weekend in the Beijing region. The Chinese equivalent of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified the Xinfadi Market (The city’s largest market) as the starting point for this novel coronavirus outbreak. It is believed by the Chinese authorities that this deadly strain of coronavirus could have been brought into the city via imported frozen salmon (even though there’s no substantial evidence indicating that this coronavirus can survive on frozen food).

The Beijing authorities were quick to clamp down on this new COVID-19 outbreak with them closing down the Xinfadi Market, temporarily banning the import of salmon, and implementing rigorous contact tracing. Additionally, more than twenty residential compounds have been placed under strict medical lockdowns since Monday of this week.



Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
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