The Russian Vaccine: Top Scientist Quits over Ethical Concerns

Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2020

With the Russian Federation announcing the approval of their new (and controversial) COVID-19 vaccine (the Sputnik V), there has been a lot of criticism with the lack of ethical protocol followed during the development of this questionable medication. This was further amplified by the recent resignation of Professor Alexander Chucalin, one of Russia’s foremost medical researchers, the founder of the Russian Research Institute of Pulmonology, and is head of the Department of Hospital Therapy, at the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.

Professor Alexander Chucalin resigned from the Russian health ministry’s ethics council after making a fierce attack on the new Sputnik V drug ahead of the body approving its registration. He is recorded to have stated ‘gross violations’ of medical ethics that rushed through Putin’s coronavirus ‘vaccine’. Additionally, he accused two leading medics involved in its development of flouting medical ethics in rushing the vaccine into production.

These two accused scientists were Prof Alexander Gintsburg, director of the Gamaleya Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology (the institute that “developed” this vaccine), and Prof Sergey Borisevich, a medical colonel and Russian army’s top virologist.



Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
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