Update: CCP & COVID-19

Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2020

With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic still in full swing, many were quick to blame the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for covering up the initial outbreak which eventually led to the current situation the world has found itself in, however recently uncovered information seems to indicate a more complicated story.

A recent report from the New York Times states that US intelligence agencies had managed to obtain information that government officials from the Wuhan region (ground zero for the ongoing pandemic) hid the dangers of this deadly strain of novel coronavirus from their leadership in Beijing till January of this year, a decent month from the identification of patient zero (conservative estimate).

Even if this new development might make the CCP seem less guilty, it indicates a glaring flaw in the existing socio-political system being followed in mainland China. Additionally, this information proves that the Chinese regime is weaker and less unified than it tries to project to the rest of the world.



Adithya Vikram Sakthivel
Med XP
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