Introducing Template Green Screen Support, Sound Effects Library, and Soundbite Uploads!

Bree M.
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2022

Wait what? Another Medal update? Don’t act like you’re surprised, you knew this was coming — and this time it’s all about our Free Video Editor. We can’t help ourselves. When we have an idea we make it happen, but you already knew that.

We literally can not wait to show you the new sound effects library, the ability to upload your own soundbites, and that Templates now support green screen videos.

Check it out 👀

Green Screen Meme Templates

Watching your hilarious clips made from Templates is one of our favorite pastimes. Seriously. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Templates now support green screen background removal.

That’s right, you’ll be able to add lost John Travolta as an overlay as he looks for your confused teammate on the wrong side of the map — or add Shia screaming “DO IT” before dominating with your ult! If there’s a video out there with a green screen — it can be templatized with Medal.

Don’t see your favorite green screen meme in the Templates section yet? Request it in our Discord and we’ll make it happen ;)

Sound FX Library

Have a clip that’s perfect for a sound effect but you don’t want to add the whole Template? No problem, just visit our new Sound FX library to add the “Emotional Damage” sound to your clip as you get ganked by the enemy — or any other sound.

Import Custom Soundbites

Speaking of adding sounds to your clips, you can now upload your own! Want a custom bleep sound for curse words? Add it. Want a very specific scream from that one kid freaking out on YouTube (because why wouldn’t you)? Go ahead and upload that too. As long as the soundbite is under 30 seconds — you can upload it.

Tons of Editor fixes

  • Soundwaves are now more beautiful and functional so it’s easier to sync captions and effects!
  • The editor now loads videos lightning fast — especially when uploading multiple clips!
  • Tired of having to adjust the volume every time you went to a different place in the Editor? Our bad. Now you’ll only have to set it once.
  • When you add a clip to your edit it will say “added” on the clip — no more second-guessing when things are added.
  • Clicking on clips with the sidebar open no longer closes the sidebar….you’re welcome.
  • Deleting clips from your timeline will now close the clip tab…as it should.
  • Published clips are now displayed and sorted by their published date — not their created date.

We love hearing from you and we’d love for you to suggest new features. If you have any questions about this update or any other Medal feature, you can always contact support.

If you’re interested in testing out features before official releases make sure you head over to Medal Early Access.

