Hippocrates Beta Live on Testnet

Moshe Praver
MedX Protocol
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

Today we are pleased to announce the official release of Hippocrates Beta! Since our first demonstration of Hippocrates in December 2017, we have been hard at work upgrading the application. Many of these upgrades have been driven by our community’s invaluable feedback. Thank you!

Key Considerations

Our most notable upgrades fall into 4 primary categories:

1. Clinical Usability: The alpha release lacked the appropriate breadth of diagnoses and recommendations to support the wide variety of cases that dermatologists regularly encounter. With three dermatologists on our team, we have carefully compiled an exhaustive list of diagnoses as well as treatments and recommendations.

Expanded list of diagnoses and recommendations available in Hippocrates

2. Security: The alpha did not feature data encryption. This is a major new feature of the beta and we have recently written a dedicated piece on how all this works under the hood. This piece required a heavy research phase to ensure our approach to encryption was compliant with various regulatory requirements. It also required the creation of user accounts (don’t worry, this is anonymous and takes seconds). Patients now have secret keys and passwords that give them ownership of their medical data and empower them to share the data as they please.

Cryptographically guaranteed self-sovereign patient data

3. User Experience: Developing on the bleeding edge of technology is no excuse for a poor user experience. Our development team has built numerous new features from scratch to provide a more responsive experience for users. The application now feels more reactive and less static. We also built a transaction-status widget which indicates if any transactions are pending publication to the blockchain. Stay tuned as we will be writing about these technical advancements and making this work open-source for the larger Ethereum community.

Responsive and dynamic user experience

4. Design: As the first application in the MedCredits Health System, we felt it important that Hippocrates resemble classic MedCredits branding. This required a complete re-design of the alpha (see alpha vs. beta screenshots below). The application now looks and feels like an extension of the MedCredits brand. We will soon make a style-guide publicly available so that 3rd party DApps will appear native to the MedCredits Health System, should they so choose.

Upgraded design (Left, alpha; Right, beta)

How to Test the Beta

This is a closed beta — if you would like to test the application, follow the instructions on the Hippocrates welcome page. We will send you test MEDX tokens (MEDT) and add you as a mock-physician on the platform. We will notify you by email or on our Telegram once this has been completed. Please, please, please give us your feedback on Telegram! We have placed a link in Hippocrates to make the process easier.

No time to test Hippocrates? Here is a brief intro video demonstrating the patient’s user experience on the beta release.

With your feedback, we want to package as many upgrades as possible into the next release. Our public beta (real patients and real doctors) is around the corner and we want to make Hippocrates one of the most advanced, but user-friendly, DApps in the Ethereum ecosystem.

To find out more about the MedCredits Health System, please join the discussion on our Telegram or join our mailing list!



Moshe Praver
MedX Protocol

Libertarian physician building free healthcare markets on the Ethereum blockchain at MedX Protocol