A new home for medical records

David Szabo-Stuban
Meddy Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2020
Introducing Profiles by Meddy

Accessing and sharing medical records or insurance documents is an annoying part of visiting a doctor. While all a patient wants is to get treatment, they need to deal with endless documentation scattered across multiple platforms and formats like emails from doctors, lab results sent via WhatsApp, scans in paper format.

Storing and organising, let alone utilising this information is a key reason why people sometimes refrain to go visit the doctor: they’re simply unable to answer their questions because they’re lost in the sea of documentation.

After launching the Telehealth service in June, the next step for Meddy to make getting treated hassle-free is to digitise this process, removing the need to deal with individual paperwork at each visit.

Meddy is now introducing Profiles — a new, digital home for all medical data and information, giving users more control over not just their presence on Meddy but enabling them to store their medical history on the platform. Once uploaded, Meddy will do the admin work for the patients, sharing the necessary documents with the clinics and doctors and saving any new prescriptions.

This is a significant step towards digitising healthcare. From administrative errors and missing documents that can delay payments by insurance companies to medical errors caused by insufficient access to medical records are all severe issues in the healthcare industry. User Profiles aim to cut the Gordian Knot by providing easy access to patient data while allowing the patients to remain in control.

What’s new with Profiles

Patients only need to add data once, then can use it multiple times anywhere needed. This creates a repository for patient information and medical history. This means that from now on Meddy can automatically pull this information and share with clinics and doctors without a hassle, and when doctors give any prescriptions, they fall into place for patients.

By storing their ID cards and health insurance documents, the whole check in process is now streamlined and hassle-free for patients, thanks to Profiles. In the past every time a patient visited a clinic, they needed to register their IDs and documents with the clinic. Now all of this is taken care of by Meddy automatically once the documents are uploaded. In short, Profiles It allows patients to stay in control with minimal effort.

Meddy users now have an easy way to store, organise and use their medical documents, all in one place. No more WhatsApp downloads, ad-hoc scanning of old documents or browsing through email archives just to visit the doctor.

How Profiles work

The new home for medical information consists of three key components to ensure that handling patient information is as seamless as possible.

  • My appointments This was the original feature of the user profile before this new update. Users can manage and stay informed on all their previous and current appointments booked via Meddy.
  • Prescriptions A central location where patients can access and download all their prescriptions, especially for users that take advantage of the Telehealth service.
  • Documents All documents only need to be uploaded once, which means that engaging with Meddy is a seamless experience for returning Meddy users. After uploading, the documents are stored and accessible at any time. These documents can include Patient ID, insurance papers, and medical reports. Telehealth users can easily share their medical records with their doctors via the platform.

What’s next for Meddy

After a swift response to COVID-19 this summer, Profiles are representing a new approach to where clinic-patient relationships can evolve with the help of Meddy. Doctors should focus on treatments and patients should focus on getting better. Everything else should be done with as little hassle as possible. Profiles is a first huge leap towards this, followed by many more in the near future.

