Meet the Team —Max Taylor-Davies

Jonny Camara
MedEngine Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2018

This time, we get to meet our Software Development Intern and Jazz man, Max Taylor-Davies.

So Max, where is home for you?
It’s Manchester.

How did you end up working at MedEngine?
I was taking part in a health-focused hackathon at Imperial (my university), which MedEngine happened to be sponsoring. My team ended up winning the sponsor category, so we exchanged emails afterwards and I ended up being invited out to Berlin for an internship!

How did you get into Software Development?
I started teaching myself some basic programming when I was bored during summer a couple of years back and since starting uni, I’ve tried messing around on some projects and attending hackathons to develop my skills, which led me to realise how much I enjoy software engineering.

What would you say you are most proud of?
It’d probably have to be all the concerts and stuff that I did back at my music high school. At the time, I found it all a bit intense but when I look back now, I have a lot of great memories from those years.

Could you describe yourself in 3 words…
1 — Optimistic

2 — Easy-going

3 — Disorganised

What’s the best part of working at MedEngine?
Probably the internal company memes!

Name 3 things that you couldn’t go without…
My Macbook, Spotify and reasonably priced beer.

What about your favourite book?
Don’t think I’d be able to pick a single book, but my favourite author has got to be Neal Stephenson.

What skill would would you like to develop in the future?
I’d love to learn more about the whole design side of things, it’s something i’ve been interested in since I was young, but not yet really acted on.


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Jonny Camara
MedEngine Blog

Head of Growth at MedEngine 🧠 Weekend Rugby Player 🏉