Meet the Team — Oscar Bian

Jonny Camara
MedEngine Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018

In this episode of meet the team, we’re introducing you to our Head Software Engineer, Oscar Bian.

Where are you from?
I’m from France, but I lived in Boston for 7 years.

Interesting! So how did you end up working at MedEngine?
I met Christian and Philipp in London during University. About a year after we all graduated, I was on the phone with Philipp and he was telling me about their MedEngine project. Next thing I know I was on a one way flight to Berlin!

What helped you make the decision?
After I graduated I went to work as an engineer for different startups, I learned a lot and developed an interest in software, but the companies I worked for did not dream big enough nor set out to achieve something truly revolutionary. At MedEngine I can work with new technologies on a variety of projects ranging from motion analysis to mobile development, all while learning from my teammates and contributing to a great cause. Saving the world while learning and having fun, what else do you want?

What would you say you are most proud of?
How we have grown here, as a team and how much we have created in the past nine months! The best part is that it’s far from over!

Could you describe yourself in 3 words…
1 - Drive

2 - Patient

3 - French

What’s the best part of working at MedEngine?
The team, the cause, the socials, constantly challenging ourselves… It’s hard to pick one!

Name 3 things that you couldn’t go without…
Sports, Netflix and the occasional beer with friends.

What about your favourite book?
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

What skill would would you like to develop in the future?
I am going to become a hardware wizard and machine learning magician!🧙


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Jonny Camara
MedEngine Blog

Head of Growth at MedEngine 🧠 Weekend Rugby Player 🏉