IVF/IUI success or failure in the hands of the patients.

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2 min readSep 15, 2020

For those of us that have had the bittersweet opportunity to undergo Advanced Reproductive Technology (ART), those daily injections seem way too important to leave in the hands of someone without medical experience, don’t they? You’re already spending so much money on the process and the success or failure seems solely on your shoulders. It’s beyond stressful. I was studying nursing at the time and it seemed like such a hard thing to do…poke myself 1–3 times every day for 12 weeks (if not longer, I stopped keeping track). I kept wondering if I was in the right spot, if the injection was deep enough, shallow enough, if I mixed the vials right, cleaned everything properly, ad nauseum. I watched YouTube videos, I read blogs, but still couldn’t feel confident enough to do it myself.

Photo by Sara Bakhshi on Unsplash

Fast forward almost 10 years, now as a nurse working in OB/GYN, I hear all the time from my patient’s how anxiety-inducing it was to sort, mix, and keep on schedule all the medications required for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). It would’ve been so much easier to have a nurse come give those injections to me, so I could relax a tiny bit about even one aspect of that whole process. Even now, after having administered hundreds of injections (subcutaneous and Intramuscular, among others), I STILL don’t think I would want to give myself IVF medications again.

I started MedHelperNow with the intention of alleviating situations like this, to be able to provide stress-free ART medication administration outside of the clinic. You have all the materials sent to you and it is so overwhelming! What if you could hire a nurse to come sort it all out, show you what’s what and give you the injections when you need it? Personally, it would’ve been an expense I would have happily paid if I had the option. I was pretty quiet about going through IVF, so even if I knew a nurse (I did not), I probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable asking her to help me. I would’ve been more comfortable with hiring someone who wasn’t in my personal circle.

Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash




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