Design Challenge #1.2 Ideation process

Zhi Li
MEDI 613
Published in
2 min readFeb 14, 2016

When you design a product, you should understand the design rule that you are designer but not the users. Therefore, in the design process, before your team get start to design something, you should understand clearly about what exactly your target users’ demand. What’s their world? What do they need? What kind of design make sense? How your product solves their problem?

Our team set up Pandora planet rule which means we all agree the following rules and facts:

  1. The environment and life therein must not be polluted or harmed.
  2. No objects may be made from metal.
  3. Objects must be made with organic material.
  4. Collectivism over individualism

Based on our team brainstorming, we collected couples of stuff which are really essential and not exist in Pandora planet.

  1. Saddle for horses and dragons
  2. Shield against human bullets
  3. Bullet proof vest
  4. Stools for worshiping/ritual activities
  5. Multifunctional chair
  6. Bear trap
  7. Fan
  8. Tree houses for families.
  9. lamp (torch)
  10. water/drink pitcher
  11. watch (sunwatch)
  12. poncho (rain gear)
  13. hanging beds (improve the hammocks they use)
  14. Multi-queuing station (apparently we have to include the ones we want to design, so this is mine)
  15. Sunglass for riding or flying
  16. Exchange market or trading market
  17. Hospital
  18. Magnetic surfing (entertainment)
  19. Irritating system
  20. Ropeway
  21. Shelter
  22. Planting watchtower
  23. Intermarry activities
  24. Crossbow
Put in order by Marim

I am going to design one alarming system to prevent the invasion by other race like humans. Because Pandora planet has abundant resources, others race would be eager to own those valuable resources to develop. After Navi drove human out, the war between Navi and other invaders will happen frequently. Therefore, designing something to protect Navi’s homeland is a very significant issue from my prospect.

