Antonio Caño replaces Javier Moreno as Director of El País

Antoine Laurent
1 min readFeb 18, 2014


Heavy weather for Spanish editors in February 2014: Juan Luis Cebrián, President of the Prisa Group, has just announced that Antonio Caño will replace Javier Moreno as Director of El País in May 2014.

This happens just two weeks after Pedro J. Ramirez, the Founder and former Director of El Mundo left his position.

Antonio Caño is El País’ Washington chief correspondent and Editor of the American issue of the newspaper.

His nomination occurs a few days after InfoLibre and VozPopuli reported that Juan Luis Cebrián had commissioned an internal report by Antonio Caño to detail his vision for the future of the newspaper and the changes needed to slow down its decline in readership and influence.

The leak of this report, in which Antonio Caño advised to change the head of the newspaper, seems to have prompted Juan Luis Cebrián decision to announce the changes.

The arrival of Caño as Director of El País is seen as a step further in the conservative change of the newspaper.



Antoine Laurent

Journalist, Media Innovation strategist, consultant. Executive Director of the French Google-AIPG Fund ( Also @code4africa / @code_afrique