
A mixed bag

Osasu Elaiho
Media Authority
2 min readJan 18, 2020


How to even begin. This movie left me with a headache. I went into it with low expectations hoping that during the film, I would come to appreciate it for what it was but alas this was not to be.

It tells the story of a stripper who comes to the city to make it big and who befriends an even more experienced stripper who shows her the ropes on how to make real money from men who love to party and who love to spend big.

That’s pretty much it. The film does try to weave a story of friendship and family into it and they do a pretty decent job particularly in the third act but there’s nothing extraordinary here that we haven’t seen before.

Perhaps it’s the fact that it’s an all female cast or the fact that it’s racially diverse or maybe it’s even the fact that’s it’s rated R so the f bombs fly with aplomb but I felt it was a waste of my time.

I’m not sure I know how to objectively review this film. I don’t know what it is I could recommend about it. Yes we know that these things do happen and that sometimes, people need to do what they need to do to get by but I didn’t enjoy the experience. So I’m guessing it wasn’t a movie made with me or persons like me in mind.

Being that I can’t say anything particularly inspiring about the plot of the film or the way it was shot, what about the acting? I thought it was average at best. Constance Wu had more to work with in Crazy Rich Asians and if you want an all female cast movie to sink your teeth into, you’re better off watching Ocean’s Eight.

I thought it was average at best. Constance Wu had more to work with in Crazy Rich Asians

Movies just like most things are subjective so while I may not have found anything pleasing in this film, that’s not to say you can’t or won’t enjoy it. This is simply an opinion and should be taken with a grain of salt.

See if for yourself and decide if it’s a mediocre film or an excellent piece of cinema.

Final verdict: 3/10

