IT: Chapter 2

Where’s the scary clown?

Osasu Elaiho
Media Authority
2 min readJan 18, 2020


When a movie is adapted from another medium, there are usually two types of persons who end up seeing it on the new medium: the fan of the original source material and the individual who sees movies and goes into it with a clean mind without any back story.

In this scenario, I fall into the second category. I’d heard of the book written by Stephen King but I’d never read them. Reason being that I’m not the biggest King fan as the books of his I’ve read left a bad taste in my mouth.

They might start off pretty good but then falter towards the end and this movie does the very same thing. There’s even a running gag throughout the movie about this very thing (with a cameo by Steven no less) but it seems no one is able to get themselves out of this mess.

First off, the film continues the story 27 years after the first film. The Losers have to reunite when children start going missing again. To say much else would be to spoil the movie although I’m sure we pretty much know how it’s expected to end.

James McAvoy and Jessica Chastain amongst others star in this vehicle and are in my own opinion wasted. They feel flat and seem to be reacting to everything about them when they should know better.

The story feels too long (with a near three-hour runtime). I mean who thought it made sense to make a horror movie that long? Speaking of horror, this doesn’t work as one. Be it jump scare or psychological, I was simply left with a headache afterwards.

The movie ends about twenty minutes before the credits roll and the finale feels so anticlimactic, you wonder why this film was even made at all.

It had potential that’s for sure and I’m sure there are people out there who absolutely adore this film but I must say that 2019 has been a sad year for horror and for Steven King movies.

The only reason I think anyone should see this film is mere curiousity. Curiousity to see how it all ends. This film won’t dissuade fans of the King of Horror and it won’t win over new converts. It’s a film that will be forgotten in a couple of months.

Final verdict: 3/10

