The Huntsman: Winter’s War

A sequel that no one asked for

Osasu Elaiho
Media Authority
2 min readJun 26, 2016


So here we are again, a movie makes sufficient profit and somehow the studio believes they have a franchise on their hands and decide to do a prequel/sequel even when the original movie wasn’t so great.

Hence Winter’s War. It is an unnecessary sequel that does nothing new. It’s a trope that we have seen over and over again. There isn’t much in the way of acting here. It is meant to be a special effects extravaganza and even in that department, we have seen better.

It is an unnecessary sequel that does nothing new

Does it have any redeeming qualities? Save for the fact that it looks good, the lead characters are pretty, the soundtrack is pretty decent and rousing, that’s about it.

The central theme is love and love always conquers all. Then again we already knew that would be the end not so?

Charlize Theron and Emily Blunt are better than this. Their turn as evil sisters (well not so evil in the Ice Queen’s Case) is nothing extraordinary and after the strong roles Emily Blunt has played in the past (see Edge of Tomorrow) it’s kind of depressing to see her being in a position where she needs a man to be the cause of her dramatic change.

Haven’t we had enough of the cliché where a woman needs something dramatic to happen to her (usually at the hands of a man) before she decides to become stronger? At this moment I have to take a deep breath and say that this movie while being a feel-good movie for those who are all about “love conquers all” does absolutely nothing new that we haven’t seen before and we are better off sticking to medieval fantasy that breaks all the rules and have people doing what they do simply because they want to do it.

Haven’t we had enough of the cliché where a woman needs something dramatic to happen to her (usually at the hands of a man) before she she decides to become stronger?

If you want to give us strong female characters, forget their gender. Just make them strong capable human beings without the need of a reason to be said way.

Final Score: 3/10

