How to Submit Stories to Media Cake

Dirk Hooper
Media Cake
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2019


Media Cake is looking for stories that take a passionate, intelligent, and unique look at film, television, novels, animation, comic books, and games.

We want to be the home of sharp, insightful looks at media, and give a voice to genres that are largely neglected. If you’re writing stories like that then we want to publish you!

We lean heavily toward stories that focus on genres like science-fiction, fantasy, superheroes, action, horror, and stuff that’s cool. But, if you have a particularly insightful story on something like Friends, then we’ll gladly take that too.

It’s very important to include at least one great photo in your story so it looks graphically-pleasing and it’s easy to share on social media (your story will get distribution far beyond Medium). Please give credit to the person who took the photo, or the company that owns the image. Be aware of fair-use and copyrights.

Please reply to this post below to be added to the Media Cake writer’s list.

Once you’re on the list you’ll be able to submit your stories to Media Cake. We don’t require your stories to be in draft form at this time, but if you want to do that, we’ll gladly accept those too.

Please don’t be discouraged if your story is not chosen. There may be something like it we already published, it might not fit the spirit of the publication, or maybe an editor is a stupid-head and had a bad day. Just try again with something else.

Thank you for your interest! Let’s build this publication together and make it something special!



Dirk Hooper
Media Cake

Professional Award-Winning Writer, Adult Branding & Marketing Consultant, Award-Winning Photographer, Artist, Audio Talent, Journalist & BDSM mentor.