Copyright 2019 by Netflix

‘Love, Death & Robots’ is the ‘Heavy Metal’ Sequel We Deserve

Dirk Hooper
Media Cake
4 min readSep 8, 2019


Imagine if you will, the director of Fight Club and the director of Deadpool get together to do an animated adult anthology series.

That’s what the Netflix series Love, Death & Robots is… And it’s spectacular.

If you watch the series you can’t help but make comparisons to the film Heavy Metal. You can be forgiven for that because Love, Death & Robots found its origins there.

Copyright 2019 by Netflix

In 2008, the director of Deadpool Tim Miller and Fight Club director David Fincher were in talks with Heavy Metal owner Kevin Eastman to make a modern sequel to the legendary 1981 film. While those talks fell through, Fincher and Miller stuck together on the idea, looked for a few movie studios to back the project and eventually ended up at Netflix.

In an interview for IGN Miller said,

“Why I like Heavy Metal was because I like short stories, and so anthology just seemed like the great thing to do, to me. Who would know that it terrifies movie-making executives — and people in



Dirk Hooper
Media Cake

Professional Award-Winning Writer, Adult Branding & Marketing Consultant, Award-Winning Photographer, Artist, Audio Talent, Journalist & BDSM mentor.