“Ready Player One” copyright Warner Brothers

The Herculean Task of Getting All the Rights for ‘Ready Player One’

Dirk Hooper
Media Cake
5 min readOct 7, 2019


Ready Player One is billed as the “Holy Grail of Pop Culture” for a reason. The book is packed from front to back with so many references to music, movies, role-playing games, video games, television shows, and comics that there was no way that any movie could possibly match the source material.

The author of the book, Ernest Cline, knew it would be nearly impossible to recreate what he did when he was writing the book,

“I had envisioned it as being an unfilmable book while I was writing it. I could see what a herculean task it was going to be.”


There were two major factors that made much of the licensing possible. That was the film’s production company Warner Brothers, and the film’s director Steven Spielberg.

“Ready Player One” copyright Warner Brothers

Warner Brothers

Ready Player One was produced by Warner Brothers; that cleared the way for a lot of the properties that you see on the screen because they owned them.



Dirk Hooper
Media Cake

Professional Award-Winning Writer, Adult Branding & Marketing Consultant, Award-Winning Photographer, Artist, Audio Talent, Journalist & BDSM mentor.