American media’s role in shaping perspectives

Adam Block
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2017

International students have a very remarkable perspective of the United States. Many of them do not have a very developed conception of what the culture of the United States entails. Their preconceived notions, just like that of any American tourist in a foreign country, revolve heavily around prior media consumption.

It is very evident in the answers provided by these international students from around the world just how much of an effect the role of media plays in creating the imagined sense of the United States.

This is something I want to focus on heavily within understanding international students imagined conception of their place in American society and American culture. The proliferation of American media internationally provides a unique insight into how consuming television, movies and music can alter and warp reality. I want to understand how these students saw the United States before arriving, and how they believe they came to those conclusions. Then, compare that to what they see and experience now that they have been here for an extended period.

Finally, another component in the equation I want to look at is whether being students on college campuses restricts these individuals from truly understanding the environment outside of their institution.

