An inclusive formal?

Kaitlin Smith
Media Ethnography
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2017

It’s sorority formal season AKA a time to show out, win superlatives and have the best dress in greek life. I decided to google “sorority formal” and I was greeted with checklists, survival guides, and Total Frat Move Timelines of the night. All of these set up certain ideals and expectations of what a sorority formal is and what it should be, but one thing i noticed about UMBC greek life is that it's not all a competition here. From that I decided to do a survey of 4/5 sorority formals on campus and found, many sisters and brothers from other chapters have been invited, therefore increasing interchapter relations and bonds and breaking the stereotypes of the google searches above. These findings further instill that UMBC Greek life is different for some reasons to be explored later.

