Another interview with a bio major.

Mary Loutsch
Media Ethnography
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2017

And some final thoughts.

For this media project, I thought a lot about my library observations from this week. I had noticed the most people looking at books on the 4th floor, but the 3rd floor followed closely behind in second place. Since the 3rd floor is primarily science and math texts, I thought I’d ask another bio major what she thought.

What was interesting about this interview, is the student did not elaborate while I was recording. After I stopped recording, she admitted that she actually had checked out books to read for fun during winter break when she had more free time. She said she enjoys reading books, but feels guilty during the semester because her classes require her to read so many chapters each week and learn new information. I thought this was interesting because during the interview it seemed like the way she thinks of the library is primarily related to school and/or studying rather than of books. For example, when I ask how she imagines the library, she hesitates and says “a building”. To her is really is just a building, or a place that allows her to study and and do homework for classes. In other words, it seems as though the idea of books is an afterthought when she hears the word library.

