Commodity in a Digital Space

Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readJun 13, 2017

I took time to observe one of the computer labs at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. As a student myself it is hard to realize how privileged we are to have so much accessible technology around us. By observing my fellow students complete their work in the lab, alternating between work and pleasure through many different mediums, brought me to think more deeply about my own technology consumption, and to put it in the perspective of commodity.

Source: GN

Commodity is defined as the process in which the economic value of said object due to particular traits or features make that item a commodity in the eyes of consumers. Even though I might not see the usable technology as commodities, and see certain pieces of technology as commodities (luxury laptops/headphones/etc), other people in the world might see the overarching concept of computers and smartphones as a commodity.

Source: GN

