Does the Political Party Matter? (Ethnography)

Destinee Morris
1 min readMar 9, 2017


I consider myself to be an activist, however, I could not say that last year. I was thinking about how and why I got involved with politics and I’ve come to the conclusions that I only got involved in politics once I felt like my rights could have been taken away if one candidate made it into office. Once I realized which party I sided with mostly, I defended that party in all ways possible. I still am politically active through social media because my party lost the presidential election. I feel like if a democrat were in office, I would not feel like I have to express my opinion and ideas as often.

I am doing a project on the way activists at UMBC participate through social media. I want to know more about the reasons people at UMBC are politically active through social media. I want to look further into how these people participate based off of which party they typically side with. Does the party that these people are representing affect the amount of participating they do? For example, are people at UMBC more politically active on social media when their party is or is not in office? Why do they think that is?

