Ethnographic Research Proposal

Brian Palmer
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readJun 14, 2017

My Topic: With the introduction of the internet in the mid-1990’s, multiple fandoms started to form online communities, one of which being the Internet Wrestling Community (IWC). With the ease of access of communicating over the internet, this community was thrived. I am interested in the change the online community has brought about and the way it has made Professional Wrestling promotions.

Source: (

Focus: Specifically, I am interested in members of the IWC. For fans of Professional Wrestling, following its major decline in popularity, the internet has given them the opportunity to continue to engage with one another with great ease. I am interested in finding out what it means to be a member of the community, what styles and promotions of Professional Wrestling they follow, and how it has affected their lives.

Specifications of Interviews: Wrestling fans within the ages of 18 to 55 who participate in at least one online Professional Wrestling community. I am looking to conduct 2 interviews.


· Week 2: Decide on topic and schedule interviews

· Week 3: Complete interviews, transcription, and outline

· Week 4: Draw Conclusions and Begin Draft

· Week 5: Complete Draft, Complete Revisions, and Submit the Final Draft

