Experiment 1

Noor Qureshi
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readJun 1, 2018

Below I have provided a photo of my notes from my two interviews. The first person I interviewed was Adham Rezk and the second person I interviewed was Samiha Ahmed. My goal while conducting these interviews was to see what virtual practices others believe are prevalent and to obtain a few suggestions on what to write my ethnography about.

This week we read “Chapter 2: Three Brief Histories” by Boellstorff. In this reading, he described the emergence and popularity of virtual worlds in our society.

The experiment that I conducted related to this reading because my goal is to write an ethnography about one of these practices within virtual worlds. Boellstorff specifically mentioned the use of computer mediated communication, and how studies showed that it effects identity construction.

I believe that this thought specifically relates to my first interview in the experiment because online dating apps and websites can often change a person’s view of themselves, since they can present themselves however they want.

