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Kaitlin Smith
Media Ethnography
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2017
The UMBC PHA community — Spring 2017

Fact: I am a member of a sorority.

Another fact: On the average bid card (top left) a chapter often “invites new members with open arms into our sisterhood.”

The interesting thing about this card is that while these members are invited into the chapter, and read them with complete truth, it isn’t. It is all a trial, we extend bids to people we have met for a total of 3 hours over a 4 day period, they are people who paid 20 dollars to an online program to “find their homes.” Through their 4 days they go through rounds where they visit all the chapters in the council (middle row of photos) and then after each day they decided what one they want the most. Sorority recruitment is one giant experiment based on chance and numbers leading them to find their home, and this past week I was the one in charge of it all.

