Giving birth to video game characters; the dynamic between creator and character

Conor Kennedy
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2017

One of the aspects of my research that I am interested in exploring is the creation of characters in games, and the creators relationship with them. These characters are the products of the creator’s imagination, and with their design, dialogue, and characterization, these characters are made to provide a sense of realism and relatability (usually just for protagonists though). As a result, how does the time and effort in making characters effect the creator’s thoughts and feelings toward them? Could these feelings be so intense, is it as if they are now the parent of a digital child? Does the screen act as a barrier, keeping the creator at arm’s length? Personally, I’ve become so invested in characters in the past, that I, like many others, was deeply moved by certain events that happened to them, possessing an almost personal connection to them, so I want to know what this is like on the end of the creators. What was there logic and feelings behind these decisions?

